Sugar = Carbs = Sugar

Sugar Nutrition Facts

Sugar Nutrition Facts

I recently learned that, according to how my body reacts, there is basically no difference between sugar and carbohydrates. Armed with this new knowledge and the hope of not being tired all the time, I’ve gone on a low-carb diet and started exercising 3-4 times a week.

It’s been one week since I started this diet. I’ve lost 5 pounds (unexpected bonus), and am noticing a slight change in my usual cloudy tired brain. I so want to be less tired and hope this really is working.

How to Fix Corrupted Heading Styles in Word

How to Fix Corrupted Heading Styles in Word

Some of my numbered headings became blacked-out boxes. Not good. Luckily, I had a previous version of the file that was NOT corrupted, so I could use the following instructions to fix it:

  1. Find a document which has the correct formatting in it.
  2. Save it as a template
  3. In the corrupted (for that is what it is) document go to the styles dialog box. The easiest way to do this is to use CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S, otherwise you have to find your way through the poxy ribbon
  4. Hit the manage style button at the bottom of the box (right hand one of the three)
  5. Hit import/export
  6. in the right hand window of the box which appears, hit close file
  7. Now navigate to the uncorrupted document and select it.
  8. In the scroll box above navigate to the style you want to fix and click on it (single click)
  9. The copy arrow should now poin to the right, toward teh corrupt document
  10. Hit copy
  11. Say yes to everything
  12. Close all dialog boxes