Chart Templates in Excel

Excel Chart Template Button

This technique came in super-handy today:

Reuse a favorite chart by using a chart template in Excel:

I had to make a load of pie charts, but the colors and format were not one of the defaults. It would’ve been painful to have to go through each chart, changing the colors and removing the labels, and moving the title to the top, etc. Instead, I made a chart template and it did all the work for me. 🙂


Importance of Good Managers

Importance of Good Managers

What matters most in terms of building workplace engagement?

 Jim rank-ordered the top three items this way:


  1. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. This is the single-best survey item you can ask an employee. If they score high on this, it means they have been assigned a job for which they have the talent to excel. Mastering this begins with companies identifying employees’ strengths and putting them in the right roles.
  2. There is someone at work who encourages my development.
  3. At work, my opinions seem to count.

Article: 15 Phrases That Build Bridges Between People

Thank You

I Trust Your Judgement

I Don’t Know

Tell Me More

What I Hear You Saying Is…

I’m On It

How Else Can I Help You?

I’ve Got Your Back

My Pleasure

What If…

Let Me Play Devil’s Advocate

Let Me Think About That

Well Done

You’re Right

I Understand