More Blackberry Playbook News…

I can’t wait for the 17th! I haven’t watched these videos yet (plan to tonight), but the changes just seem so promising. I’ve really liked my Playbook so far-and if this update is as good as it sounds, it will be a magical magically priced tablet.

Better watch what you tweet – our govt is getting "twitter"-happy

Let me explain my tweet:

The definition of trigger-happy is: irresponsible in the use of firearms

Our government is irresponsible in its use of tweets. Read this article about a poor British fella and his female friend trying to visit America:…

I’m most disturbed at how he was treated while enduring the false accusations–thrown in a cage? Put in prison with drug dealers? On top of all that, he did not receive an apology for the mistake–quote: “Leigh and Emily have now been told they must apply for visas from the US Embassy in London before flying to the US again.”



Some Google articles:

This article lists and describes a bunch of the products/services that google currently owns:

(Google owns a lot more products and services than I realized)


This article talks about how Google will take over the world:…


These articles talk about how to use Google search more efficiently: