Funny Quotes from Snide, Sassy Siri

Some of my favs from the article:

Q: Beam me up.

A: OK. Stand still.

Q: Download “Angry Birds.”

A: I can’t download things for you. I’m sorry. I feel terrible about this.

Q: You sound hot, Siri.

A: OK, here’s a place matching “Siri.” It’s a little ways from you. [Map with directions to Siri Thai Cuisine, 60 miles away].

Q: Can you tell me a joke?

A: I don’t really know any good jokes. None, in fact.

Q: Can you tell me a bad joke?

A: Two iPhones walk into a bar … I forget the rest.

Q: I’m bored.

A: I bore you?

Q: I’m sleepy.

A: I hope you’re not driving.

Q: What’s a good place to get drunk around here?

A: I found a number of bars fairly close to you. I’ve sorted them by rating.

Q: Great. Now I have a hangover.

A: I found a number of bars fairly close to you. I’ve sorted them by rating.

Q: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A: Don’t you have anything better to do?

World’s First Smart Virtual Store. Just scan to purchase, delivered later! #awesome or #lazy ?

Personally, I like this concept, but I hate having to go to a physical store.  I see how it’s a little more hands-on than which could be nice.  Sometimes I can’t see how large the product is that I’m buying online, so this concept would help with that problem. And no shoplifting!

Grr! I can’t scroll right anymore! My PC still scrolls like it always has, but my phone and my husband’s Mac scroll the opposite way! #nerdproblems

I am constantly trying to scroll the wrong way and then switching to scroll the other way. My brain just can’t get used to it when it’s not the same across all electronics.  *sigh*