Extinct animals that have been photographed alive #:(



And a list of animals that have gone extinct in the last 100 years:


“The exact cause of the extinction of dinosaurs may not have been ascertained as yet, but the causes of extinction of almost all the faunae in the aforementioned list of extinct animals in the last 100 years can be traced to human activities, either directly or indirectly. These causes range from loss of habitat caused by human activities to excessive hunting or poaching. The IUCN list of endangered animals is also growing longer with time. The rate at which we are losing these animals is alarming, and if proper measures are not taken soon we may end up losing a large chunk of animal kingdom. This will indirectly affect us, in fact the adverse effects have already started to show. Tigers will be left with no option, but to encroach human settlements for food if the deer population is exhausted. On the other hand if tiger population is exhausted, the number of herbivores will rise which in turn will lead to depletion of vegetation cover due to overfeeding by these herbivores. In short, extinction of a particular species puts tremendous pressure on the other species as well as the ecosystem. And its high time we understand that we are a part of the ecosystem and any alterations in the ecosystem are invariably going to effect us.”