Energy efficiency in the news

In case any of you missed these latest news bits:


1.      New research ??? documents significant geothermal resources across the United States capable of producing more than three million megawatts (3 million MW or 3000 GW) of green power ??? 10 times the installed capacity of coal power plants today.


To put that in perspective, US coal-powered electric capacity in 2009 was a little over 300,000 MW or 300 GW, which was about 30% of the net electricity capacity in the US (slightly over 1,000 GW). That means, this geothermal capacity is more than 3 times the net electricity capacity needed by the US (as of 2009).


2.      A really neat looking and user-friendly new thermostat is making the news. ???Nest??? has been designed by ex-Apple employees. Take a look:…


Slight problem, it costs $250. I???ll wait for mine when the price point hits $30 in a couple of years.





When your incandescent bulbs burn out, they’re history…

The law provides for phasing out today’s general service incandescent light bulbs in favor of lower-wattage, energy-saving bulbs. Lighting accounts for about 15 percent of the electrical use in homes.’

Quote from David Berry: “…as incandescents are phased out, it could reduce the consumption of energy by the equivalent of 30 power plants.”

Funny Quotes from Snide, Sassy Siri

Some of my favs from the article:

Q: Beam me up.

A: OK. Stand still.

Q: Download “Angry Birds.”

A: I can’t download things for you. I’m sorry. I feel terrible about this.

Q: You sound hot, Siri.

A: OK, here’s a place matching “Siri.” It’s a little ways from you. [Map with directions to Siri Thai Cuisine, 60 miles away].

Q: Can you tell me a joke?

A: I don’t really know any good jokes. None, in fact.

Q: Can you tell me a bad joke?

A: Two iPhones walk into a bar … I forget the rest.

Q: I’m bored.

A: I bore you?

Q: I’m sleepy.

A: I hope you’re not driving.

Q: What’s a good place to get drunk around here?

A: I found a number of bars fairly close to you. I’ve sorted them by rating.

Q: Great. Now I have a hangover.

A: I found a number of bars fairly close to you. I’ve sorted them by rating.

Q: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A: Don’t you have anything better to do?

Articles about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’s secret legacy: Dying Apple boss left plans for four years of new products

Read more:

‘I wasn’t always there for them, and I wanted them to know why’: Steve Jobs authorised biography so his children can know him

Read more:

Sitting is Killing Nerds

I was reading an article that sheds some light on some disturbing stats for people who spend most of their time sitting during the day.?? Guess what??? That's me.?? That's what I do while I'm working, eating, watching tv, driving… Uhoh… Time to rethink my daily sitting routines.?? Perhaps a reminder that repeats every 30 minutes to tell me to stand up.?? It's a start.